Course Content

What's Included.

  • Tips to help you get the most out of your practice

  • Four 60 Minute Yoga for Singers Practices

  • BODY : Warm up all the physical support structures needed for singing. Release excess tension, explore the core, open the ribs and make space, establish your alignment and find your breath and focus.

  • BREATH : Explore different aspects of breath. How the inhale can feel, control and awareness of our exhale, how the body responds to flowing with the breath, and how yogic techniques can support our singing.

  • MIND : A calm practice to find focus, bring awareness to our breath, mind and body, add gentle vocalising and explore visualisation and meditation.

  • VOICE: A workshop based practice adding voice to movement. Working with organic, primal sounds and more structured voicework, we explore how the voice and body work together to explore your voice as a whole instrument.

  • Further reading and guidance

  • Lifetime Access

Free your body, free your voice.

What They're Saying...

“Rosie's course is helping me to develop different ways to physically warm up before singing and to focus my concentration, things that I've never before had the tools to do. The videos are extremely encouraging, and the best thing is that they can be worked through at your own pace - I would highly recommend! ”

Sophie Horrocks

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the body breath mind voice classes. As a singer it has helped me to re-focus my positive energy on the different aspects that support my voice. I have loved exploring my voice - trying different sounds in different positions. This allowed me to find increased moments of release and resonance. The movement and flow led to increased freedom in my voice at the end of each practice. All the yoga movements are accessible as despite not being flexible or a regular yogi, Rosie provides options and encouragement to make different postures work for your body and tips to support you throughout each class. As a practitioner the classes have helped me to feel more present, feel energised and have renewed focus. As a teacher it will further support me to guide my students in different ways. I will recommend to other singers and my students as a tool for learning new techniques as well as reflection on practice and adopting a holistic approach. I can't wait to re-visit each class again and again. Thanks so much Rosie.”

Lindsay Regan-Hicks

“I'd previously done a few of Rosie's live classes, so was delighted to preview this course , which gives a holistic approach to getting the best out of your voice. I loved that Rosie introduced each part of the course thoroughly so I knew what to expect and what each session hoped to achieve. The sessions felt very much like workshops, rather than just yoga practices, so I really felt I'd learnt something practical at the end of each one and it's great to know I can do these as often as I want to reinforce the guidance given.”

Sarah DoyleI'd previously done a few of Rosie's live classes, so was delighted to preview this course , which gives a holistic approach to getting the best out of your voice. I loved that Rosie introduced each part of the course thoroughly so I knew what to expect and what each session hoped to achieve. The sessions felt very much like workshops, rather than just yoga practices, so I really felt I'd learnt something practical at the end of each one and it's great to know I can do these as often as I want to reinforce the guidance given.


  • Do I need yoga experience to enjoy these practices?

    The course is made for any level of yogi and you can make the practices and postures work for you. Someone with lots of yoga experience may find some of these practices slower, but it's a great chance to increase awareness and consider the body voice connection. If you've never done yoga, some of the postures may feel strong but remember, you can pause whenever you like and always take modifications. Remember that yoga is so much more than the physical elements and these practices also include pranayama (breathing techniques) and tools to focus the mind.

  • Is this a course?

    This is a set of four 60 minute classes/practices/workshops that complement each other. Although we break down some of the elements and connect them to the voice, the videos allow you to immerse yourself in your personal practice.

  • Will I be singing and doing yoga?

    Sometimes! But you can do as much or as little as you like. We start to build in simple vocalising throughout the practices, so if you have never added voice to movement, you really can take it slowly. Remember, you have lifetime access so you can come back to the videos and add more voicework once you feel more comfortable.

  • I have a another question! Can I contact you?

    Sure! Feel free to email me [email protected]